Sterilization Protocol

Safety Protocols to Protect Your Child

At {practice_name}, your child’s smile and safety are our top priorities. We follow numerous health and safety protocols to ensure your child has a fun and safe visit with our team. These methods of sanitation and sterilization guarantee that all surfaces, instruments and tools in our office are clean and ready for use.  

Our Practices and Education

Each team member participates in education and training procedures recommended by the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA), the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). These procedures are integrated into our daily routine to combat bacteria and viruses. 

We adhere to the following practices in our office to be sure all surfaces are safe and clean:

  • Requiring the use of gloves and face masks for clients and staff
  • Ensuring disinfectant hand soap and sinks are available throughout the office
  • Using disposable materials when possible
  • Cleaning countertops and surfaces with EPA-approved chemical disinfectants
  • Sterilizing equipment before and after each use

When you and your child come into our office, you will see our team members practicing these techniques by wearing disposable gloves and masks. Additionally, staff members will clean and sanitize all surfaces in our exam rooms before, during and after the visit. 

Nearly all the materials we use during your child’s visit are disposable, such as face shields, masks, gloves, gowns, as well as brushes, floss, and gauze. 

For instruments that are not disposable, we thoroughly disinfect these tools between each use, following the sterilization rules below:

  • Clean – All instruments are thoroughly cleaned using ultrasonic cleaners, which make sure that all bacteria, germs, and other debris are completely removed.
  • Package – Once clean, instruments are wrapped in FDA-compliant packaging prior to sterilization.
  • Sterilization – Once safely packaged, instruments are sterilized using FDA-approved dental autoclave sterilizers.
  • Disinfect – After every use, our machines and surfaces are thoroughly disinfected using EPA-approved cleaners.

Our Commitment to your Children

We are committed to providing your child with exceptional dental care in a safe environment. We stay up to date with all guidelines from the American Dental Association and the CDC so we can continue to take the steps needed to protect your child from any harmful bacteria, diseases and viruses.

We appreciate your trust in our team to care for your children. If you have any questions regarding our safety precautions, please call our office at {phone_number}.

Request an Appointment

Here at {practice_name}, we care for your children like our own. Make an appointment and start your child’s dental health journey with the best team in {practice_city}!

Special Offers

We’re currently extending the following promotional offers to our patients.

$100 off

Hygiene Exams

Associations and Memberships

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Kristen Moore